Happy Birthday, Sarah Graves!

I can hardly believe the day has arrived when my precious girl turns five!
She woke up to find that Rainbow Bobby had surprised her with a trip back and he decorated her chair for her birthday! Both kids were very excited to see the return of our elf!

 As a special treat, Aaron picked up doughnuts from Krispy Kreme for breakfast. Sarah Graves was excited, but I think Charlie was thrilled!

Sarah Graves had the good fortune of celebrating her birthday on the 100th day of school! She had to make a poster with 100 things on it, so we chose cupcakes! The poster reads, "How sweet it is! Sarah Graves is turning 5 on the 100th day of school!" Her class celebrated with 100th day of school crowns, and a treat of cupcakes and juice during snack!

As a side story, Sarah Graves asked to bake 100 cookies in honor of the 100th day. I reminded her that her school is very particular about outside food and I didn't think it was a good idea. She corrected me and said that she only wanted the cookies for her teachers because they are always being kind to others, but they don't every get anything. My heart melted and I relented and baked 100 snickerdoodles for these beloved teachers!


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