
Showing posts from January, 2015

Big Boy Bed

After several weeks of perfecting his skill at climbing out of the crib, we decided to take one side off so that Charlie could safely get in and out. His method for climbing out of the crib was a feat of acrobatics! He put his hands on one side and began walking his feet up the other side until he could get his toes over the edge. Then, he would use the end of the crib to walk his hands over and finally lower himself down. I have wondered how many nights he sat in his crib thinking up that strategy! Transitioning out of the crib has been interesting. He definitely feels like he can just get up as he pleases. Sarah Graves was out of the crib for about a year before she would just get out of bed on her own! We still rock and nurse to sleep, but on those nights when he doesn't fall asleep like that, it is a series of redirecting him back to bed before he finally goes to sleep. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning he usually comes into our bed and happily finds his spot in the ...


Tonight I had the pleasure of having dinner with this cowboy! I don't know how, but Charlie knows that cowboys say, "Yeehaw!" and he says it quite a bit! He also says, "Ayee!" a lot! He learned it from watching an episode of a TV show called Justin Time. In this episode they go to the bayou and have a dais do do. He cracks me up with all the ayees!

Barbie Girl

Sarah Graves is a Barbie girl living in a Frozen world! Here she is with some of her birthday presents from Grancy and PaPaw! She loves to dress her Barbies up!

The Maw Maws Are Here!

Maw Maw Yvonne and GG came on Friday and the kids warmed up right away. Mom and Dad had us over for dinner and time to visit, which was so nice. Charlie settled right in to watch TV with Maw Maw. After dinner, they enjoyed some puzzles while we sat around and talked. No one could resist some snuggles with baby Olivia! She warmed up to GG right away. And Maw Maw, too! GG made Sarah Graves a special surprise for her birthday - a real wedding gown for Barbie! She also made a sparkly dress for another doll to wear as the maid of honor. SG was delighted and so excited to get home and play Barbie.

Saturday Night Family Fun

A couple of weeks ago we had dinner at Lovie and Pops'. Highlights of the evening included giving Olivia her first bath and the kids being chased by a snake! Olivia's first bath was a team effort and she was such a trooper! She patiently let Sarah Graves and Nay bathe her and calmly looked around at everyone. We couldn't find the baby bathtub, so a plastic bin had to do! Pops started a raucous game of chase as he chased the kids around with the play tunnel pretending to be a snake that wanted to gobble them up! There was pure joy as they ran around and were sometimes caught by the snake and quickly spit back out! It was loud and rowdy, but they all had a blast doing it! Here they are after calming down a bit! Sweet cousins all together! I can't wait for them to all be able to play together and run and laugh like I remember doing with my cousins.

Family Birthday

For her birthday dinner, Sarah Graves requested McDonald's. She loves their french fries and the indoor play area makes it a hit! Lovie made her a cake and included some cute Frozen figurines that I found. She had presents from her various grandparents and aunts to open! She was happy to have a Frozen nightgown. Gramma sent her a cute hat and mittens that feel very glamorous. Nay and Olivia got in on the birthday actions! She was very excited to come home and test out some of her new things. Gramma sent her vintage Barbie dresses that her grandmother made for her. Sarah Graves was so excited and hasn't wanted to stop playing yet! Aaron and I surprised her with Frozen bedding and adding some wall decals in there. She was quite pleased! She played hard with her new things and then happily climbed into bed. I think she had a big day celebrating and enjoyed herself quite a lot! Happy birthday to a beautiful girl inside a...

Happy Birthday, Sarah Graves!

I can hardly believe the day has arrived when my precious girl turns five! She woke up to find that Rainbow Bobby had surprised her with a trip back and he decorated her chair for her birthday! Both kids were very excited to see the return of our elf!  As a special treat, Aaron picked up doughnuts from Krispy Kreme for breakfast. Sarah Graves was excited, but I think Charlie was thrilled! Sarah Graves had the good fortune of celebrating her birthday on the 100th day of school! She had to make a poster with 100 things on it, so we chose cupcakes! The poster reads, "How sweet it is! Sarah Graves is turning 5 on the 100th day of school!" Her class celebrated with 100th day of school crowns, and a treat of cupcakes and juice during snack! As a side story, Sarah Graves asked to bake 100 cookies in honor of the 100th day. I reminded her that her school is very particular about outside food and I didn't think it was a good idea. She corrected me and said t...

Play Date at the Museum

We were given a membership to the children's museum and a rainy Saturday was the perfect day to use it! It turned into an impromptu playdate when Sarah Graves' friends Sydney and Hank showed up completely unplanned! They were so happy to see each other and play. The museum was a lot of fun with all sorts of things to play and touch. We look forward to going back.

Happy New Year!

We spent New Year's Eve at Lovie and Pops' house having a quiet little celebration. We ordered Chinese, played with kiddos, watched the Rock'n New Year's special, and relaxed. Sarah Graves loved dancing to the music and seeing the people sing! Staying up until midnight proved to be a challenge! We rang in the new year with a champagnet/sparkling cranberry drink toast and these balloon things that Jeanne' found that you blow up and they kind of go crazy sputtering around when you let them go! We were really crazy and let the kids stay up for it! Happy 2015!