Visit with Santa!

We went for our first Santa visit at Northpoint Mall. The Santa experience has been changed up this year and we had mixed feelings about that. You could make an appointment, which was awesome! There was an experience that went along with the visit with Santa and you were joined up with another family to travel to the North Pole in a sleigh and along the way you had a crazy "ride". Sarah Graves loved the ride and thought it was the greatest ever, but Charlie did not care for the loud sounds. 

When it was our turn to go in with Santa, Charlie was a little nervous. He was reluctant to get on Santa's lap and I was worried this might go badly. Then, he got okay with it and when Santa asked him what he wanted, he proudly announced, "Olaf!" Sarah Graves was completely prepared to give Santa her request, a Barbie camper, a Barbie cruise ship, and a Frozen castle. 
When we walked away after the Santa visit, Charlie put his hands up and said, "I did it!" Yes, he did!


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