A Sister's Love

Sarah Graves woke up really early Saturday morning.  She did stay in her room, but she put on a very loud performance of "Let It Go" and "Roar".  We were so tired that we did manage to continue dozing through that.  A while later, (felt like hours, but probably was minutes) I started hearing chatter from Charlie.  He wasn't crying, so I stayed there in my sleep deprived coma.  Finally, it was around 6:30 and I could still hear chatter, so I decided to go get them.  I went to Charlie first and found that Sarah Graves had climbed into the crib. This was a first!
She happily told me that she heard Charlie and didn't want him to be lonely.  When she came into his room he told her that he dropped his baby, so she helped him out with that and then climbed in to keep him company.  Their love for one another is one of the most affirming things for me as a parent. Surely, we have done something right if they can love each other so well.
The camera flash in the dark room so early in the morning was not well-received!


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