Letter Months Fifteen and Sixteen
Dear Charlie,
Boy, has time been slipping away the past few months! We have mostly been enjoying life, but it has kept me from updating on all the darling things that you do. If I had to summarize what you have been doing, I would say that you are not a baby anymore and you are definitely a toddler working on being a big boy!
You continue to be a good eater. I would say that you love fruit and eat a good variety. Pears and kiwi are two of your favorites! You also like chicken pretty well and are very enthusiastic about broccoli. You by far prefer finger foods that you can feed yourself and seem too irritated to really like anything that requires us feeding you! You have had a renewed interest in nursing, too. That really surprised me as I thought that you might wean before your first birthday, but you decided you wanted to keep it up. We went through several weeks of nursing only at bedtime and when you woke up, then you decided that it would be nice to nurse when I came home from work, maybe in the bath tub, and several other times during weekend days. You are really starting to communicate your desire to nurse more, too! You still think your cup is only for water!
You walk like a pro and climb on most anything you desire. You are also tall enough to reach the top of the table and pull things down so that you can get a better look at them. This has resulted in a few spills and definitely some surprises. Now you are also able to climb on stools and will even try to nudge Sissy out of your way so that you can reach the counter or get a better view. You definitely know how to go after what you want! While trick-or-treating at Halloween, you walked right up to the door with Sissy and did not shy away from reaching for a piece of candy. You were so cute that no one had the heart to stop you as you just kept taking another piece!
Sleep is still hit or miss. We will have a few good nights, then go through a few where you wake often. Your napping is a bit more predictable with a morning nap around 9 or 9:30 and afternoon nap about 3 hours after you wake up from the morning nap. A good nap for you is about an hour and a half to two hours, but you have been known to go over 3 hours! You rarely put yourself to sleep and usually need to be rocked or nursed to fall asleep.
You seemed to like the food offered at Thanksgiving and really enjoyed some carrots that Pops made. Soon after that you came down with the flu and it took me a bit to realize that's what we had. You were a trooper and handled the misery of it pretty well. I was the one who was down for the count and so grateful that Daddy was well and able to look after you. I think you liked having Maw Maw and GG here to visit and did not enjoy your visit with Santa! Christmas decorations with you were a bit of an obstacle, but not like I had feared. We put the tree up higher and you mostly left it alone and put out some wrapped gifts that you sort of left alone. Not too bad for just a year old.
You find it very gratifying to communicate ideas to us. We went to see the Christmas lights at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens and you loved signing, "lights" and grinning the whole way through. I can see how that would feel good to share an idea and have someone else acknowledge it. You like to get Sissy's attention by pulling her hair or on several occasions, biting her. The biting seems to be when you feel she is getting on your territory or stealing the attention from you and fortunately it has not been that frequent or that severe. You do bite Lovie's toes, but seem to understand that you shouldn't and don't do it hard like you mean it, thankfully! You do give hugs after you do something you know you shouldn't. Kisses are harder to come by, but the hugs are pretty sweet!
All in all, you are a lovable guy and a lot of fun! We enjoy our time with you and really value what you add to our family. We are so lucky to have you in our lives creating so much joy.
You continue to be a good eater. I would say that you love fruit and eat a good variety. Pears and kiwi are two of your favorites! You also like chicken pretty well and are very enthusiastic about broccoli. You by far prefer finger foods that you can feed yourself and seem too irritated to really like anything that requires us feeding you! You have had a renewed interest in nursing, too. That really surprised me as I thought that you might wean before your first birthday, but you decided you wanted to keep it up. We went through several weeks of nursing only at bedtime and when you woke up, then you decided that it would be nice to nurse when I came home from work, maybe in the bath tub, and several other times during weekend days. You are really starting to communicate your desire to nurse more, too! You still think your cup is only for water!
Sleep is still hit or miss. We will have a few good nights, then go through a few where you wake often. Your napping is a bit more predictable with a morning nap around 9 or 9:30 and afternoon nap about 3 hours after you wake up from the morning nap. A good nap for you is about an hour and a half to two hours, but you have been known to go over 3 hours! You rarely put yourself to sleep and usually need to be rocked or nursed to fall asleep.
You seemed to like the food offered at Thanksgiving and really enjoyed some carrots that Pops made. Soon after that you came down with the flu and it took me a bit to realize that's what we had. You were a trooper and handled the misery of it pretty well. I was the one who was down for the count and so grateful that Daddy was well and able to look after you. I think you liked having Maw Maw and GG here to visit and did not enjoy your visit with Santa! Christmas decorations with you were a bit of an obstacle, but not like I had feared. We put the tree up higher and you mostly left it alone and put out some wrapped gifts that you sort of left alone. Not too bad for just a year old.
All in all, you are a lovable guy and a lot of fun! We enjoy our time with you and really value what you add to our family. We are so lucky to have you in our lives creating so much joy.