She's Teaching Me

I always think of parents teaching their children, but am sometimes reminded that they are also teaching us.  This morning, my independent girl had it in her mind to wear a t-shirt to school.  We go through this debate many days about what she wants to wear and what I think is a good choice.  Today my argument against a t-shirt was that it was in the 40s with a high of about 60 and therefore, in my opinion, too cool for a t-shirt alone.  She persisted and I repeated that she needed a warmer shirt and finally, as she often does, she asked, "why?"  I started to respond by saying, "because your teachers will think I'm nuts for sending you to school in a short sleeved shirt on a cold day."  That's when it dawned on me that I was more worried about someone else's opinion than I was about my sweet girl. In that moment I changed course and told her to wear the ballerina t-shirt and feel good about herself.  Boy did she prance into school feeling good about her t-shirt!
Here are a couple of other cute tidbits from life with her.  She came to my bed this morning about 4, a rarity for her, and whispered, "momma, I love you" to me.  I had just come back from putting Charlie back to sleep and really wanted to sleep.  I quickly made a place for her and suggested she get in next to me.  I can only think of one other time since she was an infant that she wanted to sleep in my bed that's how adamant she is about wanting to be in her bed.  She quickly snuggled up next to me and we went on sleeping next to each other until Charlie woke again.  Not sure it will be a habit for her, but it was so sweet this morning.
She says remember with an f like femember.  It's so cute!  Some other words that start with r are pronounced with an f, too, like Fapunzel.  It makes me remember when she said tomato instead of tomorrow.  She will outgrow this one too and probably won't remember that she used to say, "femember."
She is really into "her' music as she calls it, which probably isn't music for a three year old, but she loves it so.  One song she loves she refers to as "I Don't Care Song."  I'm not sure who sings it and the lyrics are not the best for a preschooler, but she LOVES it and will rock out to it!  Another one that she loves is "Hey Soul Sister" by Train.  She has the words all wrong, but has a great time doing it!
Love that kid!


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