Letter Month Fourteen
Dear Charlie,
Time is just flying by! I can't believe it has been two months since your birthday. You are learning so much every day!
The thing we are really noticing is how you are beginning to talk! You are starting to say hi as you wave to us and I have heard you say hi dada and hi pop! I'm pretty sure that you call me Baba and when you enjoy what you are eating, you say mmmm. You also point to the light and say light and know to say uh oh if you drop something. You know the dog says woof woof, too! You "talk" a lot and I think probably you are saying a lot of other things that we just aren't picking up. You have a sweet little voice that I love hearing. You have developed this habit of a high pitched squeal that you do when you are frustrated or excited. Sometimes you just run through the house doing it! Not sure how we teach you that squealing isn't the best sound.
You are a wild man! You walk and run all day long! You have grown tall enough to reach the table and can grab things! You are constantly grabbing anything left near the edge and wreak havoc on us! You love to grab one of your sister's toys and run off laughing with it! You are pretty comical!
I hesitate to write this, but I think your sleep is improving. You seem to be going down for a nap a little easier than you had before and we have now had several nights with little waking. I can't tell you how hopeful this makes your Dad and me. We have been exhausted for so long and getting several hours of sleep at a time is so invigorating. The nights where you sleep well help us to be present in those nights that are tougher. Even during those tough nights, we know that you are a sweet boy and just need to be close to us.
You went for your first dentist appointment and your first haircut. You were completely fine with the haircut and didn't seem to mind it. The dentist you were not at all fine with. You cried a lot, but he said your teeth are coming in just fine. As a matter of fact, you cut three molars just recently! Poor little guy had to be in a lot of pain with that. We have started brushing your teeth before bed and surprisingly, you don't mind it. That is a relief because I don't know if I could go through making you cry every night.
We just finished another session of Music Together and you really enjoy it. You watch Ms. Jennifer and have started trying to imitate some of the movements to the songs. You are also very interested to see toddlers. You go up to them and just want to touch them and smile at them. It is very sweet to see you so excited to see friends your own size. You definitely recognize the songs when we sing them at home too. A look of recognition comes over you and you break into a big smile as you start to move to the beat. You are just too cute!
You have learned some new party tricks lately. Lovie taught you how to put your hand over your mouth and make the sound of the indian. You have also learned how to point to our nose. We are still working on you pointing to your own nose. You also know how to sign for more, all done, and eat. However, you only do them when you feel you absolutely have to to get what you want! You find grunting and gesturing much easier!
You are a sweet soul. You let your sister love on you a lot and you give the sweetest kisses. Sometimes I don't even have to ask, you just kiss me! You snuggle your head in and enjoy being cuddled so much. It just makes you so enjoyable to be with. You laugh and giggle at the littlest things and that makes us crack up laughing and then you laugh even more. I love that so much. Just seeing you so happy makes me feel happy. That is the greatest gift you could ever give. I am so grateful for your spirit and the light that you bring to us. It is such a gift and I am so glad to be able to share in it.
Time is just flying by! I can't believe it has been two months since your birthday. You are learning so much every day!
The thing we are really noticing is how you are beginning to talk! You are starting to say hi as you wave to us and I have heard you say hi dada and hi pop! I'm pretty sure that you call me Baba and when you enjoy what you are eating, you say mmmm. You also point to the light and say light and know to say uh oh if you drop something. You know the dog says woof woof, too! You "talk" a lot and I think probably you are saying a lot of other things that we just aren't picking up. You have a sweet little voice that I love hearing. You have developed this habit of a high pitched squeal that you do when you are frustrated or excited. Sometimes you just run through the house doing it! Not sure how we teach you that squealing isn't the best sound.
You are a wild man! You walk and run all day long! You have grown tall enough to reach the table and can grab things! You are constantly grabbing anything left near the edge and wreak havoc on us! You love to grab one of your sister's toys and run off laughing with it! You are pretty comical!
I hesitate to write this, but I think your sleep is improving. You seem to be going down for a nap a little easier than you had before and we have now had several nights with little waking. I can't tell you how hopeful this makes your Dad and me. We have been exhausted for so long and getting several hours of sleep at a time is so invigorating. The nights where you sleep well help us to be present in those nights that are tougher. Even during those tough nights, we know that you are a sweet boy and just need to be close to us.
You went for your first dentist appointment and your first haircut. You were completely fine with the haircut and didn't seem to mind it. The dentist you were not at all fine with. You cried a lot, but he said your teeth are coming in just fine. As a matter of fact, you cut three molars just recently! Poor little guy had to be in a lot of pain with that. We have started brushing your teeth before bed and surprisingly, you don't mind it. That is a relief because I don't know if I could go through making you cry every night.
We just finished another session of Music Together and you really enjoy it. You watch Ms. Jennifer and have started trying to imitate some of the movements to the songs. You are also very interested to see toddlers. You go up to them and just want to touch them and smile at them. It is very sweet to see you so excited to see friends your own size. You definitely recognize the songs when we sing them at home too. A look of recognition comes over you and you break into a big smile as you start to move to the beat. You are just too cute!
You have learned some new party tricks lately. Lovie taught you how to put your hand over your mouth and make the sound of the indian. You have also learned how to point to our nose. We are still working on you pointing to your own nose. You also know how to sign for more, all done, and eat. However, you only do them when you feel you absolutely have to to get what you want! You find grunting and gesturing much easier!
You are a sweet soul. You let your sister love on you a lot and you give the sweetest kisses. Sometimes I don't even have to ask, you just kiss me! You snuggle your head in and enjoy being cuddled so much. It just makes you so enjoyable to be with. You laugh and giggle at the littlest things and that makes us crack up laughing and then you laugh even more. I love that so much. Just seeing you so happy makes me feel happy. That is the greatest gift you could ever give. I am so grateful for your spirit and the light that you bring to us. It is such a gift and I am so glad to be able to share in it.