All Sorts of Fun!

We had a busy day Saturday before the wedding.  There was a bridal brunch, lunch with Grandaddy and MeMe, and a breakfast treat of Southern Made doughnuts!

Aaron and I both LOVE these doughnuts and have even thought about ditching our careers and opening a really GOOD doughnut shop in Atlanta.  I can envision us wearing the kids on our backs with little hair nets while we fry up and sell yummy doughnuts!  Of course, I would be so large I wouldn't be able to fit through the door from eating all these yummy doughnuts, but it's a fun daydream!

Gramma hosted a bridal brunch for Arden and her bridesmaids.  The theme was hats and it was fun to see the ladies wearing their broad brimmed hats!  

Aunt Barbara is always so sweet to play with Sarah Graves.  SG just eats it up, too!

Here's Gramma serving brunch in her hat!

Grandaddy took us to lunch at Ralph and Kackoo's so he could get Sarah Graves some hush puppies!  She loves them and asked for them specifically!

Charlie just loved his squeaky alligator that Grandaddy got him!

Sarah Graves got a slap bracelet and enjoyed putting it on Grandaddy and MeMe!

So much fun to see my kiddos so loved on by their family!


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