Thanksgiving Day

The chance to spend Thanksgiving in Baton Rouge was such a gift.  We probably wouldn't have made the drive if it weren't for Charlie's baptism, but it was so nice to be with my family.  We haven't seen many of them since Sarah Graves was Charlie's size and to have a day to be with all of them was so fun.  We had Thanksgiving dinner at my Aunt Tammy's and everyone from my Dad's side of the family was there except for Jeanne' and one cousin and even some of my Mom's side joined us there too.

These people give me a lot of things to be thankful for!

This little one didn't lack for arms to hold him.

Mom and Uncle Steve ooohing over this cute boy.

Sarah Graves and Wyatt are just a few weeks apart and had a good time playing together.  Aren't they darling with the little car? 

Aaron and my cousin Nick had time to chat.

GG made some plain cornbread for Sarah Graves and she generously shared it with her new buddy.

Aunt Tammy strolled SG around.

My cute boy and Lovie.

This was our first time to meet Keniann and I enjoyed talking to Lynsey about babies and natural parenting.  

Later that evening we headed to my Uncle Ronnie's to visit with my Mom's family some more.  

Uncle Ronnie was talking to Charlie while he stretched out for a while.

Mallory and Sarah Graves played with him for a bit too.

Sarah Graves and Uncle Steve laughing.

This was also our first time to meet Raylee and Sarah Graves was excited to see her.

It was nice to see so many of my cousins and catch up on what is happening in their lives.  

We had a great Thanksgiving with so much to be thankful for!


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