Pregnancy Update

A couple of weeks ago Chubby and I went in for a check-up and my glucose and iron screening.  The results came back and my iron is too low and my glucose is too high.  The glucose will be rechecked today with a longer test.  This test requires fasting ahead of time, they will do a blood draw before I drink the sweet stuff, have me drink a larger quantity of the sweet stuff, do a blood draw an hour later, and a final blood draw two hours later.  Chubby has been letting me know about his dislike for fasting since about 2 o'clock this morning.  Hopefully, this test will come out good and I won't have to worry about a special diet for gestational diabetes and checking my sugar levels the rest of the pregnancy.  The other concern is that babies of moms with gestational diabetes can become large and have difficulty maintaining their sugar levels right after birth.
The treatment for low iron is to take an iron supplement twice a day and re-check iron levels in a few weeks.  I didn't know it, but vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron and calcium inhibits the absorption of it.  So, the iron has to be taken separately from the prenatal vitamins and they recommend on an empty stomach.  I want to get my iron levels up as low iron levels are associated with more bleeding at birth and that was a big concern for my health during Sarah Graves' birth, so we don't want to take any chances of that happening again.  Also, I might have more energy and not feel so run down right now; although, I'm not sure Aaron could take too much more energy!
I have started to develop indigestion on a regular basis.  I even have it sometimes if I'm really hungry.  I read that the iron supplement causes indigestion, so I'm hoping I won't experience more of it.  I am mainly concerned about indigestion because I never had it with Sarah Graves and she had that full head of hair, so I'm wondering if Chubby is just going to be furry!  Will have to let you know how the wives' tale works out on that one.
Shortness of breath is probably my other complaint at the moment.  I get winded pretty easy and sometimes it makes it difficult to have a conversation.  Not such a big deal, but a little annoying.
Chubby is getting so big that I can feel when he has the hiccups and I'm pretty sure I can feel him moving his arms separate from when I feel him moving his legs.  The other day we had a lot of turbulence on the plane and I swear he was moving his head, arms, and legs all at the same time!  I'm getting anxious to meet this fella!


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