Letter Month Seventeen

Dear Sarah Graves,
Seventeen months old and what a fun girl you are becoming!  You have lots of personality and a budding sense of humor.  You are really starting to talk!  In fact, I counted the other day and you can say about 20 words.  Some of them surprise me like when you say, "shirt".  Some of them absolutely delight me like when you run to your toys and exclaim, "pay!"
You have grown very fond of babies.  You love your friend Mia and call her a baby (she is 7 months younger and that's like light years when you're only 1).  You also love your dolls and call them babies, too.  You bring your babies over to me to hold and cuddle.  Sometimes you bring them a shirt or try to use a spoon or a cup to feed them.  As rambunctious as you are at times, you can also be very sweet.
Speaking of sweet, sometimes you spontaneously lean over and give me or your Dad a kiss.  The big, open-mouthed baby kind of kisses that are so sweet and genuine.  You also reach out and give head butts.  Head butts don't sound much like a sweet girl thing to do, but you do it so gently and with so much intent. 
As much fun as you are, you have been more unhappy lately than usual.  I think it's just your age and some of the frustration that you feel.  You go from being happy and laughing to crying and flailing your arms and back to happy in a matter of seconds.  I'm hoping that you will be able to express your wants and understand more and that will help you feel more at ease.
Changing your diaper makes you so angry and there doesn't seem to be much that makes it better.  You are starting to recognize when you have a poughkeepsie diaper.  Have I ever told you that we refer to your poop diapers as having poughkeepsie?  Pops started it when you were very small and we have been calling it that ever since.  Anyway, I think you realizing when you have poughkeepsie is one of the first steps to you being ready to potty train.  We aren't in any rush for that, but I won't miss your crying and thrashing around while being changed.
You continue to be picky about what you eat and lately how you eat it.  You desperately want to feed yourself and it is frustrating to you.  You love bananas, but now you want to hold the banana in the peel to eat it.  Lovie and I spend a lot of time trying to think of healthy foods to feed you.  Our strategy of feeding you pureed veggies for breakfast, oatmeal and fruit for lunch, and cheese, fruit, bread, and a little meat for dinner seems to be working.  I don't know what I would do without Lovie to come up with ideas to help us through these phases of yours!  I worry that you won't eat any vegetables and most fruits in their whole form, but hopefully you will outgrow it.
The best part of my day is coming in the back door and hearing you running so hard yelling, "BaBa!"  It is truly a delight to see those arms open wide as you barrel into me.  It almost makes going to work worth it just to have you that joyful to be with me again.  I hope you one day understand just how much you are loved.


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