Our Fun Day Out!
After a three hour nap we headed to Nordstrom's to find a new pair of sandals. The first pair we bought at Stride Rite just haven't worked out, so we decided to get a new pair. SG learned the thrill of shopping in stores like Nordstrom's where they have a coloring station, an aquarium, and give you a balloon just for shopping! One new pair of better fitting sandals later and we were on our way to the Georgia Aquarium. We have been before, but it has been a while and Sarah Graves is so much bigger now! We saw some big fish like this guy. We walked in awe of all the fish around us. We saw the dolphins that are new to the aquarium. We would like to see the show, but know that Sarah Graves just isn't ready for that. We got super-excited and began swishing our head when we saw the penguins! I can't blame her because they are so cute. "Lellow" is the only color that she recognizes and anything and everything can be yellow, so she got lucky with all t...