
We had a good day in the church nursery yesterday!  There was another little boy who was 15 months old staying so that helped.  I left a bag of craisins with the caregiver and asked her to offer them to Sarah Graves when I left.  I heard her start to cry when I walked away, but she stopped within a minute or so.  When I came back to get her she was having a good time playing with a toy that she doesn't have at home.  The caregivers said she had been a delight and that she was good at sharing. 
I am starting to push her morning nap a little bit, so we went down to have breakfast and fellowship with everyone.  Sarah Graves had a wonderful time running around with a little girl who is 4 and just adores her.  They ran all around the parish hall and SG was just thrilled!  Aaron and I hope that she will grow up enjoying going to church.   


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