Baby Food

Before Sarah Graves started on solids we decided to make our own baby food. So I never bought the jarred kind until we went to New York. I had assumed that it wasn't that much different than what we made; I simply wanted to be sure of what exactly was in her food.
We picked some stage 2 and some stage 3 foods to bring with us for the convenience. I was somewhat surprised to see that there were dessert choices like peach cobbler. Do infants need dessert? I wish that I didn't have such a sweet tooth and definitely don't think she needs one. We chose fruits, veggies, and a couple of meals with meat and starch or meat and veggie. I was surprised how the food for older babies starts to have starches mixed with most of the veggies. Why do they need so many added things to their veggies?
When I opened the first jar of chicken and rice dinner, I was shocked to see that it was completely liquified like soup. We don't add any water to her food and we leave it a little chunky so that she gets some texture, and this stuff was as thin as what I fed her on day one.
Im not sure that she was a fan of the food either because she didn't even eat all of one of the small jars. She usually eats with a lot of interest and she could take it or leave it.
I'm actually glad that we tried the jarred baby food because now I feel really committed to making our own and I know that she prefers it, as long as it's not beets!

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