
Today we went for Sarah Graves' check-up with Dr. Fleming and she is in perfect health.  Here are her stats: she now weighs 10 pounds 12 ounces and is 22 1/4 inches.  She is in the 95 th percentile in weight and the 90 th percentile in height.  In the next month we need to work on teaching her to take a bottle, laying her down more and getting her used to having a lot of space to stretch out, and having tummy time. 
I have been pumping in the mornings some and have several bottles frozen, but I have been hesitant to let her have a bottle.  I really like being able to breastfeed her and have this concern that once she gets the bottle, she may not want to breastfeed anymore.  Dr. Fleming assured me that as well as she is feeding she does not think that will happen.  We'll give the bottle a try over the weekend when Daddy can take a night feeding and give me some extra sleep. 
Sarah Graves was a complete angel during the entire check-up.  She was awake, looked all around, made her cute baby coos, and just generally looked adorable.  It is really cold here today, so I had her in her jogging suit from Aunt Lexie.  Here she is all snuggled into her carrier. 


OMG she is so cute in that jogging suit. I love it.
Alexis said…
Nikki said…
I know ---- way too cute!!

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