Rain, Rain Go Away...

We have had so much rain here lately that even I was longing to see the sunshine!  It finally came out yesterday and I was eager to get outside and enjoy it.  Lucy was getting cabin fever too, so I wanted to get her out for a walk.  Aaron was willing to come with us and we headed off as soon as I got home.  It's still pretty humid outside, but it was good to be out and not looking for cover from the rain!
I have definitely noticed that I get winded more quickly than usual.  The route that I like to walk has a lot of hills and I was breathing hard as we went up.  I have read that exercise and the extra blood circulation is good for baby.  Hopefully, she appreciated it!  Lucy was panting hard by the time we made it home, but she was smiling all the way!  (In case you haven't met Lucy, she is one of those dogs that really can smile and it just delights me to see it!)
Hopefully the drier conditions will stick around, but I think more rain is in the forecast fo the weekend. 


Nikki said…
Glad to know y'all did not float away. The news shows horrible flooding and horrible rain.

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