Do you really want to know?

We went for our ultrasound this don't really want to know if sweet pea is a boy or a girl, do you?

Well, we can't resist shouting it for all to hear...IT'S A GIRL!

Our ultrasound went great! Such a huge relief! The baby's brain, heart, spine and other organs are looking good. She weighs about 10 oz. right now. The placenta looks healthy and is well-positioned. My cervix is nice and long, which is good for right now because a short cervix now could be a sign of an incompetent cervix. All that water that I crave seems to be paying off because baby girl has plenty of amniotic fluid.

We love seeing her on screen. She had her little ankles crossed and would open and close her mouth. We could see the tiny little feet, so cute already! She participated in the ultrasound well and let the lady snap several pictures of her. A sweet girl already!


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