
Showing posts from September, 2024

Last Day for Sarah Graves

Even though she was technically a graduate, Sarah Graves wanted to go back for one last May Day and time with friends. I am so proud of how well she knows herself and is not afraid to plan for the future she wants! Hoping we all get a summer to relax before we take on the challenge of establishing our family at a new school!   

Last Day for Charlie

This last day was bittersweet for sure. Charlie is excited about the potential of a new school, but definitely feeling the tug of wanting to stay where it is familiar and he has friends. Last days can be hard, especially when you had a great year. Even when you know you will see the friends again, it will never be the same. as it was. We will definitely miss these friendly carpool drop offs with wacky hats and Ms. Ford's exuberant, "Hola!" every morning! This last drop off was definitely memorable!  

Sarah Graves' Graduation

After much anticipation, the big day of eighth grade graduation arrived! Bittersweet to watch as friends and teachers all celebrated one more time with parents and friends there to watch and cheer! Sarah Graves and Alyssa Sarah Graves and Lovie took a moment to enjoy Lovie's pew one more time. After years of joining the kids for chapel, this was a big milestone for her too! It was so sweet that Charlie could acolyte for his sister's graduation.  All three fifth grade siblings served during graduation.  Chaplain Porter Cade really knows how to connect with them.  Father Brian has known Sarah Graves since infancy. Ms. Shamanski has been a gift to our family and such a help throughout the years. She was meant for the role she has.  Big smile! I would say she is proud and happy! All the girls! What better way to say happy graduation, than new spirit wear for your new school! As though a reminder from God, a woman out for a walk in the neighborhood saw Sarah Graves openin...

Celebrating the 8th Grade

We kept the good feelings going with an 8th grade movie night to see a photo and video montage of them through the years. It was very sweet and brought some tears looking back on how much she has grown and matured over the last nine years at St. Benedict's.  Friend from church, Elizabeth, came to enjoy the movie too. Armed with a cup of goodies and movie snacks, they made a place to sit together and enjoy the movie starring them! After the movie, she let me do a photo shoot showing off her awards and accomplishments from the year! They made these neat accomplishment records highlighting all their leadership roles and accolades.  She was really proud that she earned this STEAM certificate for completing the additional qualifying projects and activities throughout the year.  She received this award for her leadership of the chapel sacristans throughout the year - she is an expert at getting the acolytes dressed and lined up! This certificate is for her performance in the ba...