
Our car was so wet from the massive rain the night before that our seats left a wet spot on our behinds! Poor Aaron really looked like he wet his pants! At rope drop we raced with about a hundred of our newest friends to Remy's Ratatouille - smell-a-vision is way cool! Bakery bread scent was yum; being flicked with water from the mop; and feeling the heat from the grill were cool too! Breakfast in Norway was yummy! Well, everyone loved theirs, but I was not a fan of mine - lefse, which tasted like a potato tortilla with butter. Not for me. Turtle Talk with Crush - Charlie was selected to ask a question and he asked Crush what he likes to do under the sea, he likes to catch a wave. Charlie answered his question and told him who Buzz Lightyear is! We had lunch in Mexico and told the story of how I eat there every time I come to Epcot since I was a little girl. The view was beautiful and my chipotle chicken enchiladas were delicious! Sarah Graves loved visiting the countr...