
Showing posts from January, 2022

Post Christmas

 That time after Christmas passed in a bit of blur as we worked on really feeling better after COVID and managing work while the kids were home from school.  Sis really got to enjoy her new ipad and has found the apple pencil a lot of fun for "coloring". They worked to build a large Lego Yoda! Lucy received a toy sloth and she really likes it! We thought she would kill it pretty quick since it has a squeaker, but she rubs her face on the soft fur and nuzzles it.  I think they enjoyed their time to play with toys and lounge around the house.  We were all glad when our quarantine finished and we could finally get out of the house! Two weeks was a long time!



Christmas Eve

Still quarantining from COVID, Christmas Eve was a quiet day at home for us. We did put on our Christmas outfits and take a few pictures for the memory! We quickly put our Christmas pjs on and got ready for a fun day together.  Sis made us some elf pancakes for breakfast! The kids were excited to open some of the gifts from family in Shreveport. Sis ate a blue candy cane hidden by the elves just before opening gifts leaving her with blue teeth! Charlie was eager to put a new pocket knife from Pa Paw to use. He was also very careful to use his knife skills learned at Cub Scouts.  A pink BB gun got a big smile! This mega Nerf gun got a big smile! After opening gifts, they went out to the backyard to do some target practice with their BB guns.  We kept dinner easy and ordered Chinese food for dinner. We did eat in the dining room and lit all the candles. Unable to go to church, we did our own Christmas Eve service taking turns reading lessons and singing carols together. We ...